Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Kansas...The Land of Ah's

Prolific singer-songwriter and 50-state balladeer Sufjan Stevens has just released his follow-up to the great Illinois titled The Avalanche, consisting of outtakes and extras from the Land of Lincoln. Though I am excited by the prospect of listening to his latest effort, this release begs the question "Why not devote your creative energy to Kansas?" An album about The Sunflower State (or Jayhawker State) would be a nice addition to his "50 States" project. I even have a title for him, courtesy of a late eighties initiative to promote the state (tough to do when you're sandwiched between Missouri and Colorado), which simultaneously pokes fun of and embraces it's Wizard of Oz imagery. Who wouldn't buy an album titled "Kansas...The Land of Ah's"? The promotion even created controversy when the state of Connecticut tried to rip off the slogan. Typical of the East Coast to try to impose it's supposed superiority over anything west of Appalachia. Who knew that state tourism boards could be so cutthroat? But, I digress.

The point is Kansas would provide a far superior backdrop for Sufjan's music to anything else he's done. I have a few suggestions that could help ease the burden of research and produce voluminous material for the album. For instance, John Brown and Ossawatomie. Everyone's favorite abolitionist created quite a stir on the prairie when he decided to take the law into his own hands and punish those mean pro-slavery ruffians living on the wrong side of the Kansas border. Massacre and mayhem always provide good fodder. Other interesting characters include temperance queen and axe-wielder Carrie Nation. Or perhaps a sad ballad about Amelia Earhart and her doomed flight. I mean, there are dozens and dozens of Kansans to sing about. But please, no songs about BTK. Sufjan already explored that territory on Illinois with John Wayne Gacy.

Plenty of cities to choose from, too. Imagine riding along with windows down, a summer breeze blowing through the Flint Hills to the tune of Wichita, Air Capital of the World!!! Or maybe an homage to the State Capital. Or maybe a little ditty about my hometown, Augusta. There are plenty of oddities in some of these towns such as The Garden of Eden in Lucas. It's not the Taj Mahal, but does involve a husband's strange devotion to his dead wife.

In other words, the possibilities are endless. I'm barely scratching the surface. I could quite possibly spend the next several weeks writing about everything that could and should be sung about the 34th state. There are buffalo roaming and a rich Native American history, cattle drives and cowtowns, and much much more. All the elements are there to create a rich tapestry of history that values the prairie as an inspirational mecca. Sufjan should consider this an introduction to what surely would be his next masterpiece, perhaps the crowning achievement and creative pinnacle of his career. Consider this. Consider Kansas.


Elizabeth said...

well, i would like to spend more time on the east coast's mindset, i.e. we are better than every other part of the world, esp the south and the midwest.

another possible avenue for the sufjan: kansas is flatter than a pancake. tell me there isn't a haert-wrenching ballad in that.

Elizabeth said...

i don't think that the east coast is better than the south or the midwest! i was making a comment on the superiority east coasters feel over the rest of the country. i don't consider myself an east coaster despite my current location.

Meddling Methodist said...

everyone, let's calm down before this escalates. I don't think any blasphemying has occurred, with the possible exception of the 'flatter than a pancake' remark : ) I mean, we do have the Flint Hills and the massive peak that is Mt. Sunflower (,
rising from the prairie!!!

Elizabeth said...

i clicked on "the garden of eden" link and when that appeared, clicked on "history". it read: the garden of eden. coming soon.


oh, ash and i made up. she understands now that i am on her side.

Meddling Methodist said...

Try this

Elizabeth said...

wow, the garden of eden is SCARY.

wilco1014 said...

Well, KBT you've pushed me to that place...the place where I say Missouri would make an equally as genius of a next project for Sufjan as Kansas. Let's think about all MO has to offer: Jesse James, Joseph Smith's declaration that MO was the "promised land" and the subsequent Mormon migration and masscre that followed, Ted Drewes, the I-70 world series, the giant Bass Pro Shop, and Lewis and Clark. And if it is a heart wrenching ballad you want: yes, MO is the home of all things Branson, John Ashcroft, and the world headquarters of the Assembly of God churches. I could go on...but I'll stop.

Elizabeth said...

and Dred Scott! that is big stuff. slaves aren't people. go missouri!

on a much better note: mark twain! hannibal, mo. huck finn. injin joe. amen, that would be a great song, sufjan. get to it!

Anonymous said...

know why it's windy in kansas? cause nebraska sucks and oklahoma blows.