Monday, July 03, 2006

Danielson Continues to Rule

With the exception of a brief moment on Sunday, for the last three weeks the car has been continuously playing one CD: Danielson's Ships. This unprecedented monolopy of the airwaves in the car (with the occassional moments of NPR sprinkled in) will certainly come to an end, but much like Ken Jennings's historic run on Jeopardy!, with each passing episode in the car it appears as if we will never be able to overcome our urge to listen to the lush melodies, but we know it will happen. And when will that be? Where will be going? A quick trip to the grocery store, with just enought time to listen to one and half songs? A long road trip through the Shenandoah's? Who knows? It almost happened Sunday with a trip to pick up a pizza from Ledo's (which, btw, rules!), but the foe (in this case the new Mojave 3) was vanquished with my need to listen to "Did I Step on your trumpet." Our addiction knows no bounds. Until we hit rock bottom, Danielson remains in the cd player.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

whoa--Ledo's has toasted ravioli! and veggie, at that. i thought only in st. louie. you are so bringing us next time you go. ash and i will make you wish you didn't blog about it!